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How the MathsCraft Curriculum works
The MathsCraft Curriculum is designed for all students in Years 5-10, as a companion to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.
The Curriculum includes:

A carefully curated set of problems for the whole class to work on, in groups of 3.

Videos and written documents for each problem, demonstrating how the adventure might unfold.
(The path a class takes will depend on the students!)

A list of Mathematical Behaviours that help teachers to mentor-by-modelling, and are used for assessment.
For further support we offer a variety of Professional Development Workshops .
Time Commitment
The MathsCraft Curriculum is designed to be used for 6-10 hours of class time, spread over 2 consecutive terms.
We suggest devoting one lesson per fortnight to MathsCraft, as an example.
How long for each problem?
MathsCraft problems vary in their scope for exploration. Some may take around 60 minutes, others may take around 100 minutes.
We recommend devoting whole lessons to MathsCraft adventures, and being ready to extend or reduce the time as needed.
How many problems?
We recommend running at least 6 problems, including an optional assessment problem.
Teachers reported increased enjoyment in their teaching by spending some class time doing mathematics.
[It] was exciting to see that once they realised it was about offering suggestions/ observations and questions how the level of interaction increased. Their usual teacher commented on how she liked the process of testing, refining and moving forward
The [students] have developed resilience and risk taking and the idea that there may not be a final, and only one, answer. What a great project
[We] could not bring ourselves to clean the board. The girls left with a real buzz and we could hear them still saying: 'but what if …'
I loved it, despite the fact that I had a really difficult class ... [with a] generally negative attitude to mathematics ... I really liked the growth that I saw in the students over the sessions — they learned to collect data and make mathematical observations, as well as embrace the “dead ends” as being valuable things to learn from. They rose to the challenges I gave them many times, and were generally engaged with the process
My students are doing a compulsory investigation now and I am already seeing the benefits of the MathsCraft programme — they aren’t complaining about being lost so much, and they are careful to see that a pattern always holds, not just for a few cases — MathsCraft fruits![Sent one month after the completion of the curriculum]
How is MathsCraft Assessed?
Assessment in the MathsCraft Curriculum is not based on mathematical results, but on mathematical behaviours.
Assessment is optional. Grades can be submitted to the MathsCraft team for moderation, in order to receive graded certificates for each student.
Teachers observe and collect evidence of how each group behaves mathematically.
Using the list of mathematical behaviors, teachers then decide on a grade for each group.
The main source of evidence for the assigned grade is the group’s written account of their adventure sparked by the Assessment Problem.
The Assessment Problem
The Assessment Problem can span one or two sessions. In each session, students produce written accounts that are collected by the teacher.
Moderation Requirements
Teachers can submit their assessment for moderation, to receive a graded certificate for each students.
Scanned copies of work should be provided, along with details required for the certificates.
Certificates will be provided during the following term.
After moderation, certificates for each student will be provided to the following grades:
Budding MathsCrafters
Generates data and ideas.
Competent MathsCrafters
Also pursues some ideas and critiques them.
Proficient MathsCrafters
Also applies careful analysis, making logical arguments to support ideas, making progress towards being sure beyond all doubt.
Participation certificates can be provided instead, on request.
For a more detailed overview of the MathsCraft Curriculum, see the teacher resource pages:
Subscribe to the MathsCraft Curriculum
The MathsCraft Curriculum is a subscription service available to schools, with an annual fee based on the number of students undertaking the Curriculum.
By subscribing, you will receive:
- Access to the MathsCraft Curriculum teaching resources for all relevant teaching staff
- Moderation of the assessment by the MathsCraft team, if desired
- An official certificate of achievement for each student, if desired